振付・出演: 新鋪美佳 福留麻里
●Vol.1 2010年4月3日4日@SNAC
DJs 桜井圭介/蓮沼執太
●Vol.1.5 2010年5月4日@SNAC(深川ダンスチョロッシング)
DJ 大谷能生
●Vol.2 2010年7月24日@SuperDeluxe(WOSK presents vol.9)
DJs 佐々木敦/大谷能生
●Vol.3 2010年9月25日@Rocket (magma.Fes2010関連イベント)
DJs DJごはん(neco眠る)/蓮沼執太
●Vol.4 19th Feb. 2011@黄金町視聴室(FAIFAI presents HASHIGO!!! closing party for
TPAM&We dance 2011) DJs DJ 死んだっけ?/ DJ enchan
●Vol.5 28th, Aug. 2011@かわなべ森の学校(GOOD NEIGHBORS JAMBOREE 2011)
DJs 坂口修一郎/やのたけし
●Vol.6 8th, Sep. 2011 @THE WORKS (Portland U.S.A) ("Time Based Art Festival" Opening party)
DJs Both Josh/ DJ Hostile Tapeover
●Vol.7 15th Oct. 2011 @台場区民センター
DJs アニ(スチャダラパー)/三浦康嗣(クチロロ)
●Vol.8 26th Apr. 2012 @CBGK(PLAY PARK 2012参加)
DJs 真っ青:山崎真央(gm projects)、鶴谷聡平(NEWPORT)、青野賢一(BEAMS RECORDS)
Ho Ho-Do×DJs!!
“Ho Ho-DoxDJs!!” is a DJ session series and has been repeatedly performed since
its premiere in 2010. This session is not an improvising session but involves the
predetermined choreography. Two pairs of guest DJs/musicians selected for
each session put on different pieces of music for the dance choreographed by
Ho Ho-Do, which makes the dance look and feel different and also makes the
dancers move slightly differently according to the rhythm and melody of each
piece of music. This generates the multilayered and thrilling interaction of
music and dance, dancer and dancer, and music and music.
How the track selection of guest DJs for each session could change and work on a
same piece of dance choreography performed by a same pair of dancers?
Ho Ho-Do has performed this piece with different types of DJs/musicians at
various places/situations, such as a gallery, a live house and a party/event
space, etc. giving different impressions to the piece.
Also, after performing Ho Ho-Do×DJs with Shuta Hasunuma, Ho Ho-Do and
Hasunuma participated in “Sence of Wonder 2010”, an open-air music festival.
Performance History
Choreographed and performed by: Mika Arashiki, Mari Fukutome
●Vol.1 April 3 & 4, 2010 @SNAC
DJs: Keisuke Sakurai, Shuta Hasunuma
●Vol.1.5 May 4, 2010 @SNAC(Fukagawa Dance Chorossing)
DJ: Yoshio Ootani
●Vol.2 July 24, 2010 @SuperDeluxe(WOSK presents vol.9)
DJs: Atsushi
Sasaki, Yoshio Ootani
●Vol.3 September 25, 2010 @Rocket (associated event for magma.Fes2010)
DJ Gohan(necoNemuru), Shuta Hasunuma
●Vol.4 February 19, 2011 @Koganecho Audio-Visual Room(FAIFAI presents
HASHIGO!!! closing party for TPAM&We dance 2011) DJs: DJ Shindakke?, DJ
●Vol.5 28th, Aug. 2011@Kawanabe Mori no Gakko(GOOD NEIGHBORS JAMBOREE 2011)
DJs Shuichiro Sakaguchi/Takeshi Yano
●Vol.6 8th, Sep. 2011 @THE WORKS (Portland U.S.A) ("Time Based Art Festival" Opening party)
DJs Both Josh/ DJ Hostile Tapeover
●Vol.7 15th Oct. 2011 @Daiba Kumin Center
DJs Ani(Scha Dara Parr)/Koshi Miura(kuchiroro)
●Vol.8 26th Apr. 2012 @CBGK
DJs Massao(Mao YAMAZAKI, Sohei TSURUTANI, Kenichi AONO)